Random Ramblings

Friday, July 04, 2008

To be completely honest

about Wednesday night I didn't mention in the Ramblings that I was basically dressed like a clown because now at work we can wear shorts or jeans since we're moving pretty soon. Like I said before metting on Wednesday night came together pretty quickly and I figured well I might as well go now and meet this girl. The one error I made was when I woke up that morning and dressed like a clown. Basically I was wearing a Dutch national team jersey and some khaki shorts. Not a bad combo if I'm just kicking it around the house but far far far far from something I should be wearing to meet a fin young lady for the first time. Well I didn't exactly get ther with the khaki shorts I was originally wearing because as I left the house the button falls off the shorts. By the time I had left it was already late and I figured I had to run in and put something else on.....this is where the combo got even worse. How much worse you ask? Well to give it the full due here's a picture of it below because every person I've told about this since Wednesday night has not believed it and had a good little chuckle out of my terrible terrible clothing decision. This bad bad decision was made even worse because she actually was there dressed like a normal adult would be dressed and not like (someone called this ensemble) a immigrant. Let's remember that if I had gotten rolling 5 minutes earlier I could have averted this disaster, no need to adjust the color on your monitor just bask in it:
Bad huh? I dare say absolutely terrible. I must have somehow come over this obstacle during the time we were hanging out becuase we're going out again sometime in the near future. When I can overcome an ensemble like this during a date I must be doing something right becuase this is God awful. Just keep old Kev in your thoughts and pray that I have the common sense not to pull off something this terrible..especially when meeting a lady for the first time.


  • I would like to take credit for saying he looked like an immigrant...I also said all he needed was black socks and Jesus sandels...Jason

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21 AM  

  • Kevin, when I scrolled down far enough to see the actual ensemble my jaw DROPPED! : )

    That's a great sign though, she takes you "as you are"... you can only go up from there. : )

    Seriously, I hope it all turns out well with the fine young lady

    BTW, I don't like that IE won't let me add your page to my favorites folder :-/

    ~ Mimi

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:57 PM  

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